Aesthetic Conditions: Aging Eyes

If eyes are the window to the soul, they need not broadcast tiredness or agedness!


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how to get the most from your aesthetic eye appointment

Appointment time is valuable. Below are some suggestions to make the most of your appointment. This preparation will help you and your doctor maximize efficiency and accuracy, freeing up time for questions and answers.

Click here to prepare for your eye aesthetics appointment.

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excess eyelid skin

Extra skin over the eyelids gives a tired and aged appearance

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Eyelid baGS

Lower eyelid bags are amongst people’s least favorite feature of aging.

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Wrinkled eyelids

Sometimes a wrinkles, whether fine or deep, is the concern.

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eye fat pseudoherniation

The eyeball sits in some pads of fat, which over time can protrude outwards and give a bulge to the upper or lower eyelids.

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Tear trough

Named because it looks like a trench that could allow tears to flow down the cheek, the tear trough is an indentation between the eyelid, nose, and cheek. It is a common effect of age and the loss and redistribution of fat pads of the face.


lax lower eyelid (ectropion)

Over time, we often loose the youthful fit of the lower eyelid tight against the eyeball. When pronounced, it leads to blink dysfunction and excess tearing.